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Friday, March 19, 2010

Blissful Blog Makeovers-Stretch Fomat

Jeanette is a Stretch Format fan. She likes that the design fits into any size screeen and she can type to her hearts content with out feeling like her readers are scrolling too much to keep up.
Words for This Day
You may know my good buddy, who is the blogger responsible for my blogging. My BBFF (best blogger friend forever) Well her newest endeavor is Words for This Day. Jeanette is a fabulous inspirational writer. So take a gander at the new digs we set up for her.

Bliss got a recent Spring Makeover as well. Bright, cheery and blissful just in time for sunny weather. Jeanette hates the winter so these colors help keep her spirits up. Isnt it cute how her cartoons match... LOVE THAT!

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